Facts of CAST

  • 4

    4 high-level talents

  • 100

    Full-time teachers honored with doctoral degree

  • 52

    52 faculty&staff

  • 550

    550 undergraduate students

  • 2

    2 undergraduate programs

  • 12

    12 overseas-returned faculties

  • 3

    3 graduate programs

  • 50

    50 graduate students

  • 1900

    19 million RMB fundings in total in 2017

  • 6

    6 scientific projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NNSFC) in 2017.

  • 30

    Close cooperation with more than 30 international universities.

  • 200

    More than 200 academic papers published in the past five years.

  • 3

    3 provincial-level awards in 2017

The only laboratory with certificates of CMA & Animal Diagnosis and Treatment in the field of Animal health

I will use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health and welfare, the prevention and relief of animal suffering, the conservation of animal resources, the promotion of public health, and the advancement of medical knowledge.I will practice my profession conscientiously, with dignity, and in keeping with the principles of veterinary medical ethics. I accept as a lifelong obligation the continual improvement of my professional knowledge and competence.

We are coming for the land we’re standing on, as it carries kindness.

We are coming for the dream we’re sharing on, as it carries happiness.

We are coming for the College of Animal Science and Technology we’re heading on, as it carries poetry and distance.
